There’s a new host on Daytime television who seems determined to not only shake things up, but to make an actual difference in the lives of TV viewers, the audience gathered for the taping of her daily show, and those who join her on stage. Her name is Mel Robbins and the self-titled The Mel Robbins Show made its debut on September 16.

Although Mel, author of the international bestseller The 5 Second Rule and the most booked female speaker in the world during 2018, has spent a great deal of time speaking to people in a variety of venues and media forms, one would imagine that the transition to a daily daytime show could be considered considerably more daunting.

“Actually, I’ve found the transition to be surprisingly … amazing,” she says matter of factly. “And the reason why is — and I wasn’t expecting this — that when I look back on everything I’ve done in the past couple of years, I have amassed a surprisingly diverse and random collection of skills and experiences that have prepared me for this very unique role of being a daytime television host and giving people advice in this kind of format. I have the stamina, I have the experience with the content, because I’ve been doing it every single day for the last almost decade on stages, on social media, and through audio books. So giving advice face-to-face is what I do. And I have the experience of being an entertainer, because I’ve been on stages around the country, big and small. Most importantly, I want you to know about me. I’m driven by making an impact.

“This television show,” Mel adds, “is one that’s about impact with the viewer at home, with the person sitting in the audience, with the person sitting in the chair who’s getting the coaching and having somebody see something in a different way and also equipping them with the advice or tools that they need to take the next step forward.”

Sony Pictures Television

In some ways, her embracing television is similar to a stage actor who realizes that a successful television show will allow them to be seen by more people in a single night than probably would throughout the course of their entire career.

“I was intrigued when Sony asked me to do this show, but I said no,” she explains. “I built my business myself; I control everything that I do, and I’ve had enough experience with television that I’ve seen, specially with a show this size, that you can lose a bit of control. And I think my answer surprised Sony — and maybe intrigued them at the same tme — because I wasn’t dying to do this show. But then when I thought about it, I realized I was being naïve, because I wasn’t thinking about the reach a show like this could have.

Holly Jacobs at Sony Pictures Television said, ‘Listen, the reason why we want you do this show is because you are making an enormous impact in the lives of your fans and followers. You can put a video out now and have a million people watch it, but imagine the impact that you could have on issues like anxiety and PTSD and helping women rebuild their lives after divorce. Helping people figure out encore careers, helping people get the tools and the resources that help them take control of their lives in meaningful ways. Imagine the impact that you could have if you were in a million people’s homes and living rooms every single day and they were watching at the same time, and you had the full support of all these stations and our group of advertisers.’ When I thought about all of that and the genuine impact it could have, I was all in. Because, to me, this is the next iteration of what I’ve been doing with great success. I know that regardless of what happens with this show, I will gain the tools for the next thing I’ll do.”

Nicole Rivelli/Sony Pictures Television

Over the decades, the television landscape has become littered with the bodies of talk shows and hosts that thought that they could bring something different to the table. Which naturally raises the question of what will allow this show to stand out from all the others.

“Number one, I’m not a celebrity,” replies Mel. “I’m not a household name, and I think that’s an advantage, because there’s already amazing shows out there that provide celebrities a promotional vehicle to talk about their lives and their projects. And there are amazing shows hosted by celebrities. I’m not one. I believe this is a big differentiator, because we’re focused on only real people and only solving what I call rock-in-the-shoe-problems, which are the kind of problems that everybody faces in their lives. Where everybody can relate, whether they’re facing it personally or somebody in their family or friends group is dealing with it. It’s also about taking the next right step. It’s not about solving problems that should really have six months of aftercare associated with it. It’s about meeting people where they are and giving them tools that they can put to use in their life.”

Check your local listings to watch The Mel Robbins Show.