She’s around eight months pregnant but that doesn’t mean Meghan Markle wanted to celebrate International Women’s Day at home. In fact, the 37-year-old royal threw on a gorgeous pair of pumps with a matching black and white dress this morning on Friday, March 8 to talk about female empowerment at King’s College London. And while there, she revealed her plans for the special holiday during an interesting panel discussion with other female activists.

As the event was winding down, host Anne McElvoy, Senior Editor of the Economist, asked Meghan about her plans after she complimented the duchess on her shoes. “You’re still treating yourself to some rather fabulous shoes,” Anne said, and Meghan replied, “Thank you!” The royal then looked down at her heels and joked, “I’ll put my feet up because that’s a deserved treat, especially in this stage of pregnancy!”

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Besides her shoes, Meghan also revealed why International Women’s Day is so important to her. “I think the real treat in and of itself is being able to be here — that is such a gift on this day,” she said. “And then separate from that there are the women in my life that I want to celebrate with and send some love to today. But also the men who are championing all of us as part of this journey.”

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“I think it would be impossible to not have boys especially as part of this conversation because picture how much courage it takes for a young girl in a small village, where most of the girls haven’t gone to school, and they’re reaching out, doing whatever they can, walking miles to be able to get an education,” she continued. “It’s not just about girls going to school and becoming smart girls, it’s knowing that those smart girls become influential women and that ends up changing the world for the better.” We couldn’t agree more!