If only Meghan Markle could have met Princess Diana. According to journalist Tina Brown, the Duchess of Cambridge will face many issues, just like her late mother-in-law did.

“I think she’s doing an amazing job, but I think, funny enough, she’s going to face many of the problems that Diana faced or is facing,” the Diana Chronicles author, 65, told Us Weekly in a new interview on Tuesday, Dec. 4.

Diana Meghan
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“When Diana first married [Prince] Charles and all the way through, really, the palace had this phrase they would use about it, which was ‘The Upstage Problem.’ Right? And that Upstage Problem was about the fact that nobody wanted to hear anything about Charles, everybody wanted to hear from Diana,” she continued. “Now, it’s somewhat different because Prince Harry has a lot of charisma himself so people do love Harry, but the rest of the Royals are beginning to get, I think, a little over it in terms of the obsession with Meghan and Harry and Meghan and Meghan and Meghan.”

“Well, I think Meghan, who’s smart, must be very careful and aware that actually for all the glamour and excitement surrounding her. She’s not the next in line to be queen,” Brown noted. “Kate [Middleton] is very carefully grooming herself for that role. Meghan is going to have to realize, I mean, I think she does realize, and I think she’s handling it very well at the moment, actually, that she’s not going to just provoke, sort of, catty comparisons.”

It was previously reported by The Sunday Times that Meghan “saw Diana as a role model.” On top of that, the 37-year-old is allegedly passionate about her work, just as Diana was. “Meghan wants to take after Diana. She has a lot of ideas that she wants to get started on and she’s very passionate about organizations in London and helping them out. Once she gets settled in, she’ll be more bold with going out and doing things,” a source previously explained to Us Weekly. “This is a woman who was used to hustling and finding her next job before her last one ended, and then it just stopped abruptly.”

Perhaps Meg’s eager attitude is why she is doing all she can to live out Di’s legacy. “One of the things that Harry fell for in Meghan early on in their relationship is just how empathetic and compassionate she is,” another source told Us in a previous interview. “Meghan wants to make a difference in the world. It’s one of the reasons she was so keen to get started with her charity work as soon as she married Harry. This is her life now… She’s found her true purpose.” Diana would be so proud!

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