Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos have been happily married for 25 years. It turns out there’s a secret to their bliss, and that is how Mark gets “sexy time” whenever the couple needs to resolve an issue.

The Riverdale star filled in for cohost Ryan Seacrest on the September 20 Live with Kelly and Ryan, when the couple discussed what made their marriage work. “Everything for Mark is settled with …” Kelly, 50, began before Mark, 50, interrupted to say “love.” Kelly then corrected him to add, “Love and sexy time.” Mark said that not everything was settled that way, but Kelly said “just about almost everything” is.

The couple talked about how they’ve recently been watching the new HBO Max series Scenes From a Marriage. Mark explained that when the lead characters were having a “life-changing” discussion, he expected that it would result in “sexy time.”

“Yeah, but you think that about everything,” Kelly joked, telling the audience, “There are scenes in The Godfather, and he’s like, ‘I thought for a minute they were going to [do it].’”

Mark was not at all ashamed of his way of resolving conflicts. “Listen, that’s how I deal with stress,” he responded. Kelly seemed to be OK with that, as Mark apparently uses sex to help calm her issues.

She said her husband likes to “nip things in the bud” by asking, “’Oh, you’re upset? I know how to take care of that. Oh, you don’t feel good about something? I’ll take care of that. Oh, you’re feeling like maybe you’re overworked? I got you. I know what you need.’”

Kelly has revealed Mark’s sexual appetite on the show before. He cohosted on June 17, 2019, and the couple recalled how Mark wanted some Father’s Day sexy time, despite a house full of guests and their three kids at home with them.

“I’m going to be honest, I was not in the mood. I had a house full of people,” Kelly explained, as Mark replied, “I could tell you were going through the motions. I didn’t mind, but you were going through the motions.”

“I had my in-laws in the kitchen. I knew they were hungry. I had a house full of people. Anytime there are people in the house I’m not really relaxed. But he was like, ‘but it’s Father’s Day,’ and I was like that doesn’t typically conjure up amorous thoughts, but OK,” Kelly shared, as she gave in to some sexy time with Mark before joining their guests.

Unfortunately, the couple, who share kids Michael, Lola and Joaquin,  didn’t make sure they locked their bedroom door and were interrupted when daughter walked in. Father’s Day fell on her June 16 birthday that year, and seeing her parents doing it completely wrecked her big day.

“She shuts the door and yells ‘you just ruined my birthday and my life and I used to see in color and now everything is grey,’” Kelly shared, to which Mark confirmed were Lola’s exact words. But hey, after all these years, the passion is still very much alive in Kelly and Mark’s marriage, which is something to be very proud of.