Put it in the history books? Meghan Markle is set to give birth this spring, and it seems like her baby may be the first Anglo-American in the royal family.

The Sunday Times reveals that the Duchess of Sussex, 37, apparently will not have her application for British citizenship approved before she is due to have her first child with her husband, Prince Harry. According to royal sources, the process could take “several years” to get completed. Meghan is said to want her baby to grow up very aware of its American heritage and will mark traditional US holidays as well.

Meghan Markle
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The rules state that any child who is born outside the United States to a married couple, one of whom is a US citizen, may acquire American citizenship at birth. The Suits alum, who was born in L.A., would also satisfy the requirement that the US citizen parent must have lived in America for five years. And that means, thanks to Meghan, her baby will quite possibly have dual nationality, making it the first royal to have that honor.

Royal historian, Hugo Vickers, shares his thoughts with the outlet, saying, “I’m quite sure we haven’t had another British-American baby born into the royal family. But Meghan married an English prince so to all intents and purposes that baby will be British.” He adds, “For whatever reason, we don’t seem to pay much attention to the nationality of royal brides when it comes to their children. We just subsume them into the royal family.”

Meghan Markle Prince Harry
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There has been no word yet if the Duchess plans to renounce her American citizenship once she is granted her British papers, but it seems like that is not the case, so on with the history-making baby we go. In other news, the child will also become seventh in line to the throne, bumping Prince Andrew. And while we apparently know all about the baby’s nationality, we are unaware of its gender, as the couple don’t know either. In fact, that’s exactly what the pair recently told a fan.

“Meghan came up to me and asked me how old I was and where I went to school. I could see her bump and I asked if she was having a boy or a girl and she said, ‘We don’t know whether it’s a boy or girl, we are keeping it as a surprise,’” St Anne’s Primary School student Kitty Dudley told People at a Birkenhead, England event. Guess we’ll just have to wait until this soon-to-be-famous baby arrives to get all of our questions answered.

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