What was the last gift you got your sibling? Was it a wooden boat? Because chances are that was not the last gift you got them, and if you did happen to buy that gift for your sibling then your name is probably James Middleton.

Reports say that James, who is the brother of Pippa Middleton, the latter who is of course Kate Middleton‘s sister, decided that it would be a glorious idea to get his 35-year-old sister a wooden boat from the thirties as a wedding gift when she married James Matthews. Now if you ask any woman in her thirties what is one thing she wishes she had her first reply will probably be, “well a glorious vessel that I can travel the seas with.” Obviously. According to Daily Mail, Craftsman George Winks, the founder of Temper Studio, reveals this: “James [Middleton] came to me with the boat and I repaired the structure, but he restored the beautiful old engine himself. He has a real knack for that and he’s got a thing for old tractors.”

Neil Mockford/GC Images

The boat is said to have been named Rafa, which is reportedly the name of the cocker spaniel Pippa’s brother previously gave his sister. A cocker spaniel and a wooden boat. This guy thinks outside the box and I really appreciate this. George also adds this: “They use it for messing about on the loch It was a bloody tough job, but I learned an awful lot.” Well that’s bloody great.

And hey, it sure beats getting a newlywed couple the same old usual gift that everyone gets married couples. You know, like a toaster. In fact, Stanley Hudson from The Office probably said it best: “I got them a toaster. They called off the wedding and gave the toaster back to me. I tried to return the toaster to the store, and they said they no longer sold that kind of toaster. So now my house has got two toasters.”

Here’s hoping Pippa didn’t have a wooden boat from the thirties already.

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