While everyone was drinking and avoiding their family on Dec. 25, Queen Elizabeth was busy delivering her annual Christmas speech from Buckingham Palace. Most of what the Queen said people were completely alright with. The one thing a lot of people weren’t happy with? Her gold piano.

During her speech, the Queen spoke about the importance of respecting others, as well as celebrating differences. The 92-year-old even spoke about how occupied she’s been in 2018, as she stated, “It’s been a busy year for my family, with two weddings and two babies, and another child expected soon. It helps to keep a grandmother well occupied.” That’s all fine and dandy, but boy, that gold piano sure upset folks. Let’s first take a look at it:

Queen Elizabeth
Getty Images

Wait, so everyone doesn’t have a lavish gold piano at home? Odd. Well, let’s just say that some people were more than happy to voice their opinion about it. “I have so much in common with someone who owns a gold piano and whose living room is five times the size of my council house,” one Twitter user said, with another one adding, “Ah the Queen’s message. I love getting yelled at by an old publicly-funded billionaire with a gold piano that we should all be happier and less angry.”

And because it’s the internet, they obviously were not done at all. One person on the platform also said, “While sitting in a room dripping with gold? That’s gonna go down a treat.” And one person tweeted, “Queen reminds us that poor people are having it tough as she sits in a room with a gold piano.”

Queen Elizabeth
Getty Images

But if you’re a big time fan of the Queen, don’t worry, because at least one person was all about the piano that may or may not also be owned by Elton John. “She’s the freakin’ Queen. If anyone should have a gold piano, it’s her. Or Liberace,” a supported tweeted.

According to The Mirror, the now much-talked about piano was meant as a showpiece for the State Rooms at Buckingham Palace. And sure, perhaps the Queen didn’t exactly think things through when she decided to showcase her super wealthy bedroom like she was in an episode of MTV’s Cribs (now there’s an outdated reference for you all), but it seems like she was more concerned with getting her message out, which was obviously the point of the speech. Although perhaps next time she should give her speech from a super tiny bathroom while she hears her next door neighbors fighting through the walls. You know, at least we would be able to relate.

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