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The city of San Francisco was thrust into the national spotlight on Friday, not because of a city-wide tragedy or natural disaster, but because of a wish.

Five-year-old Miles, who had battled leukemia since he was two, told the Make-A-Wish Foundation Bay Area that he wanted to be batman for a day, so they did everything they could to turn San Francisco into Gotham City (the fictional city where Batman lives) to make Miles' dream come true.

But no one expected the wish to touch as many lives as it did. Thanks to bloggers spreading the word, the news of Miles' wish went viral, and over 11,000 volunteers signed on to help make Miles' wish a reality.

From saving a damsel in distress to catching the Riddler robbing a bank, Miles' superhero day incited a wave of inspiration and hope across states and social media platforms. Watch this touching video recapping Miles' thrilling day as Batkid!

Batkid from San Francisco Chronicle on Vimeo.