Article sponsored by Hallmark Channel.

In Touch got the inside scoop from Sadie Laflamme-Snow who stars in Hallmark Channel’s new series The Way Home, premiering Sunday, January 15, at 9 p.m. ET/8 p.m. CT.

Tell us about your new role as Alice on Hallmark Channel’s The Way Home?
“When you first meet her, you will see that she is really struggling with her parents’ divorce and is really closed off and angry at the world. When she realizes she can travel to the time before tragedy struck the Landrys, this knowledge makes her extremely wise, brave, and protective of her family.”

The Way Home stars successful actresses like Andie MacDowell and Chyler Leigh — what was that like? 
“It has been fabulous. To be honest — it was intimidating to think that I was stepping on set with two iconic actors like Andie and Chyler, but I had no reason to worry. They have been amazing friends and mentors to me throughout the process and the Landry family dynamic is strong between the three of us.”

The series follows the lives of three generations of women — do you have similar experience with your own family? 
“The Landry women are all amazing, well-rounded, complicated women. It’s beautiful to see these intergenerational relationships explored in The Way Home. Mother-daughter relationships are passionate, dynamic and deeply rooted in generations worth of life experience which make them the perfect seed for great TV! My mum and granny are two of the most brilliant people on the planet and I can be the most honest version of myself around them.”

Sadie Laflamme-Snow

I was really moved by the mother-daughter ​themes throughout the story and of course — thrilled that Andie MacDowell had already joined the series. My mum has a memory of taking me to see Billy Elliot the Musical when I was twelve and when the performance ended, I turned to her and said, ‘I could do that!’ and begged her to help me start auditioning!” — Sadie, on where her love of acting began

What should Hallmark Channel fans expect from the series?
“This new series will have you laughing, crying and going through some very real challenges with the Landry family. This is a Hallmark series like you’ve never seen before and goes in a bit of a different direction than viewers might be used to. But having three generations of women lead the series provides three different entry points to this story, so everyone can find something that will have them hooked.”

What’s next for you!? TV, movies, theater, a break?
“This is my most recent project, but it will be one of the first projects of mine to be released, so I am (hopefully) looking forward to a year of past work being shared with the world! In the meantime, you can find me on social media @sadie_snow.”