Written in partnership with Ascend Agency.

What is your definition of success? We all define success differently depending on various circumstances and what we want to achieve in life. For renowned entrepreneur and lifestyle expert Enzo Savio Cusumano, success is giving back to his community and supporting his family. Growing up in a not-so-well-off family, he says one of his goals is to ensure his family never lacks anything. He is also helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses by sharing tips and valuable information.

According to Enzo Savio, the number one secret to success is being passionate about your goals. To achieve what you want in life, it’s never easy. You often have to step out of your comfort zone, and take risks, says Enzo. However, you need to constantly put in the work and fight for your dreams to make them a reality.

Enzo Savio Cusumano
Enzo Savio Cusumano

Enzo has always had a passion for entrepreneurship. He says his dream was to build a successful empire which pushed him to join the entrepreneurial space early in his life. To reach his goal, Enzo moved from Italy to Germany and started his journey.

In Germany, Enzo began his market research, trying to find the best path for him, and it was then he encountered sales. Enzo completed an apprenticeship as an insurance and finance clerk, ranking as one of the best in his school. After he finished his training, he set up his sales structures in several consulting companies where he worked for nine years before Enzo migrated to Dubai and started his own travel company, All in One City.

He and his team at All in One City are helping their clients create beautiful memories. They continually leverage his network to get some of the best deals. All in One City currently offers services in 10 different countries. Enzo also provides coaching services to support fellow entrepreneurs and mentors business owners, teaching them valuable skills to help them navigate any industry. He is sharing his incredible journey with his students, helping them understand what they can do better to reach their targeted results.

In life, risks are inevitable, and unless you make that move, you will never know what’s on the other side, says Enzo. He notes that had he not taken the first step, he wouldn’t have reached the success he has today. Enzo encourages entrepreneurs not to give up on their dreams and work hard, as that will set you apart from your competitors.

He adds that failures and mistakes are lessons meant to bring you closer to your goals, and, therefore, you shouldn’t let that stop you from fulfilling your dreams. Along the way, Enzo has made several mistakes, some of which threatened his journey. He has also encountered various challenges, and at one point, his business partner/ friend turned his back on him, which had a huge impact on the business.

However, Enzo hasn’t given up on his dreams. As he continues to succeed, he shows us that while it might be difficult, nothing should stop you from reaching your goals. He says, in the coming years, he aspires to grow All in One City to be one of the biggest tourism companies in the UAE.



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