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If you’re among those who struggle with acne, you know fighting pesky pimples can be a lot of work. And unfortunately, the money and effort spent trying to clear your skin doesn’t always give you the results you want. While all skincare is necessarily individual, fortunately there are certain tips and techniques that are more likely to do the trick. In this article, we’ll discuss five of those ways to take acne-ridden skin from zits to zilch.

1. Tailor Your Treatment

When it comes to clearing your skin, finding the right solution requires tailoring your acne treatment. Figuring out the cause of your breakouts or the severity of your acne is a great way to begin. Online quizzes and virtual consultations can help you learn more about your skin type and potential solutions to your flare-ups.

Tailoring your treatment might involve adding topicals to your skincare routine, such as a cream with benzoyl peroxide or tretinoin. These can help remove dead skin cells, which can build up and clog pores, leading to acne. Another approach is working from the inside out, taking oral medications that reduce acne-causing bacteria. Birth control pills are also a great option for those whose breakouts stem from irregular hormone fluctuations.

2. Prevent Oily Buildup

Oil buildup on your skin leads to clogged pores, often resulting in breakouts and blackheads. This is why it’s crucial to make sure you’re keeping your skin clear of dirt and excess oils. Not that all oils are bad. In fact, your skin naturally produces an oil called sebum to prevent dryness. But while this oil is considered good, it can cause blemishes when it combines with dead skin cells and bacteria.

Luckily, there are ways to avoid adding oils to your skin. One of the best ways is to keep touching your face, which can introduce both oil and bacteria to your skin. Oils from your hair can also spread easily to your face, so keep your locks tucked back when you can. It’s also important to wash your pillowcases often to avoid oil transfer while you sleep. The dirt and bacteria from infrequently washed bedding can spread to the skin on your face, leading to breakouts.

3. Cleanse Properly

Given that the buildup of oil and bacteria can cause acne, cleansing is often the first recommendation for combating acne. But it’s important to know when, how, and with what to wash your face for cleansing to be most effective. Overwashing your face can be just as harmful as underwashing, as it can dry the skin and lead to damage. Instead, gently wash your face in the morning, at night, and anytime after sweating. Always rinse with lukewarm rather than hot water and pat dry with a soft, clean towel.

The type of cleanser you use is also just as — if not more — important. For acne-fighting cleansers, look for benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid in the ingredients list. These will help kill acne-causing bacteria and fight off dead skin cells to avoid buildup. It’s also best to stay away from cleansers that contain alcohol. Their overly drying effects can actually spur sebum production, causing the very oil buildup you’re trying to address.

4. Use the Right Makeup

Whether you like it or not, the type of makeup you use can make or break your skincare regimen. Oil-based makeup can block pores, causing your acne to flare up. If you want to wear makeup but prevent clogged pores, opt for non-comedogenic formulations instead. Water-based and mineral foundations are both good alternatives to oil-based products. Some foundations even have acne-fighting ingredients in them, such as salicylic acid.

If you use your fingers to apply foundation, wash thoroughly first to keep from spreading dirt from your hands to your face. The same principle holds true for applicators like brushes, blenders, and sponges. Be sure to clean them regularly to avoid dirt and bacteria buildup. Finally, whatever makeup you wear and however you apply it, don’t neglect to wash it off nightly before bed.

5. Don’t Pop Your Pimples

While it may be extremely tempting to pop the pustule you’re convinced can be seen from outer space, don’t do it. Popping pimples can lead to both short-term and long-term damage to your skin. When you press down on your blemish, it can push the dirt and bacteria even further into the skin. It can also cause bacteria to spread to other areas on your face, leading to still more acne. Worst of all, zit-popping can also lead to scarring, which can be very challenging to reverse — if it can be done at all.

If you really need a pimple eliminated, there are a few healthy, clean ways to do it. For example, you can schedule a facial with an esthetician and have them remove the blemish for you. You can also purchase pimple patches, which contain ingredients that can help remove your pimple faster. These strategies are better than picking at or popping your zit yourself.

Winning the War Against Acne

When fighting acne, the trial and error that comes with it can leave you wanting to wave the white flag. Luckily, you needn’t surrender just yet. With these tested battle tactics, you can soon turn the tide in your personal war on acne.


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