Well, this sounds uncomfortable! In an exclusive interview with Closer Weekly, [Knightfall](http://knightfall.history.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwPWg2rT21wIVgoizCh0qPwZCEAAYASAAEgLBCDBwE&cmpid=paidsearchGKnightfall-Exact-Season1&skwcid=AL!4850!3!231247857591!e!!g!!knightfall&efid=WgN-ngAAAHmz5AOy:20171206221551:s) star Tom Cullen reminisced about his Downton Abbey days — and it’s safe to say he doesn’t miss ~everything~ about his time on the series.

“What I don’t miss are the costumes. Like, in Knightfall I had to wear chain mail which is about 50 pounds — that was hard, but the costumes in Downton Abbey, they wear these starch iron shirts and literally have to screw you into. I don’t have great posture, I’m a bit of a sloucher — a real 2017 kind of guy. But we’d have to [stand up straight] because if you slouched it kind of made it look like you had big man boobs. It was horrible, especially on your back — that’s something I don’t miss,” he shared on Wednesday during a Facebook Live interview.

“What I DO miss is working with Maggie Smith. We got along and she is just a hoot. I’m in touch with most people from the show but unfortunately, not Maggie. She’s too cool to be in touch with me, but I’ve got some great stories about her. She’s very fun.” Fortunately, we’ll get to see some of the cast reunite on the new History channel series.

“We’ve got Mr. Carson, Jim Carter in Knightfall playing the Pope so it was wonderful to reconnect with him and Julian Ovenden, who played my love rival — he also plays my rival in Knightfall and he is SO GOOD in Knightfall,” Tom shared. “He’s like, my favorite character. I actually got to look Jim Carter in the eyes because he’s not playing the butler anymore, so that was quite nice. He has beautiful eyes.”

Knightfall airs on Wednesday nights at 10 p.m. EST on the History channel.

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